2019-11-16 Membership Meeting Minutes

Bryn Athyn Community Theater

Membership Meeting

November 16th, 2019

Boy Scout Building

In Attendance: Rachel (President), Claudia (Treasurer), Erik M(Secretary),  Annalise, James, Eden, Arwen, Bethany, Alison, Linnea, Ahmai, Scott C, Kent, Anthony, Heidi, Joy, Kristin, Brian, Jennifer, Erik C.

Called to order at 12:36 pm

  1. The minutes from the 6/2/19 annual meeting APPROVED as read 19-0-0.

  2. Treasurer’s Report

    1. Bank balance is $23,251.18

    2. Midsummer profit approximately $950.

      1. Costs were kept down, especially on the set and programs.

  3. We had a work day at MPAC

  4. Claudia is working on sales tax exemption

  5. Midsummer Night’s Dream

    1. 347 Tickets sold

    2. Two cast members dropped out.

    3. Biggest jump after opening, tied with Pirates

    4. Rachel noted an absence of people coming to her with criticisms of the show.

  6. Spring Show: Ruddigore

    1. Jennifer music directing

    2. Ayisha directing

    3. Tykah coordinating choreography

    4. Linnea costuming

    5. Jennifer talked about audition information and the plot.

    6. Audition info is on the website. 

    7. Use of Signup genius discussed.

    8. Rehearsals on Sun/Mon/Wed

    9. Performances weekends of May 15 and 22. Memorial day is the 25th.

  7. Recruitment and membership committee

    1. The membership was asked what they want to get out of their membership. Answers included:

      1. Free tickets (One free per year, transferable, with a higher membership price)

      2. Members-only showing

      3. Free membership for students to encourage them to be in a show.

      4. Getting more people in the seats should be the priority

      5. Short bits of performances should be done for BACS and ANCSS.

      6. limit free tickets to opening weekend

      7. Look for ways to increase word of mouth

      8. 1st time people should be able to be involved in a show for free to get them in.

      9. Groups are always looking for people to come entertain them, like Cairnwood Village

    2. The membership was asked what would make them want to be a member other than being in a show. Answers included:

      1. Should be theater-specific things like workshops, rather than things like bbq’s.

      2. BACT trips to other theater groups

      3. Monologue workshops, audition workshops, etc., theater-specific.

      4. Keep the core group engaged, and it will grow organically.

      5. Improv group, free for members.

      6. Reach out to people in the college to get them engaged after they graduate.

      7. Raise the price if increasing the benefits.

      8. Half price tickets for seniors. Over $10 is too much.

      9. BBQ was fun.

      10. Workshops mid-season to keep BACT in mind

        1. singing class

        2. G&S sing-a-long

        3. free for members

      11. Outreach and community service projects

      12. Christmas caroling

      13. Park clean-up

      14. Senior Center would be interested in large numbers in things in the $5-$6 range (send a flyer with Anthony)

      15. Go sing for people.

      16. Advertise things in the Post

      17. Discounts for other theaters

  8. Broadway World nominations are happening, vote for our shows.

  9. Next meeting will be in February

  10. Adjourned at 1:47 PM without objection

~Erik Martin
